How to Establish the Last Mile Connectivity in the Industrial Control Field?

How to Establish the Last Mile Connectivity in the Industrial Control Field?

From September 19th to 23rd, the 23rd China International Industry Fair (referred to as "CIIF") was held in Shanghai with great significance. During this event, the Expert Committee for Industrial Network Bus (AUTBUS) in the field of intelligent manufacturing, under the guidance of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, was officially established.

How to Establish the Last Mile Connectivity in the Industrial Control Field?

In May of this year, the first batch of international standards for fully Internet Protocol (IP)-based industrial control protocol, known as the Automation Bus (AUTBUS) series, was formally released by the International Electrotechnical Commission's Technical Committee on Industrial Measurement, Control, and Automation (IEC/TC65). These standards include IEC 61158-3-28:2023 Data Link Layer Services, IEC 61158-4-28:2023 Data Link Layer Protocol, IEC 61158-5-28:2023 Application Layer Services, IEC 61158-6-28:2023 Application Layer Protocol, and IEC 61784-1-22:2023 Industrial Network Profiles - 5 industrial communication technology standards.

Traditional fieldbus technologies have struggled to meet the demands of the era of intelligent manufacturing.

AUTBUS represents a new type of time-sensitive broadband Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technology. It introduces Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), a commonly used wireless communication technology, into the wired industrial communication domain. This innovation resolves the critical issue of determinism in industrial IoT, with message delivery times as low as 8 microseconds. Additionally, it supports unified addressing based on IPv6, enabling a fully IP-based solution for both IT and OT networks. This technology allows time-sensitive data in industrial control and high-bandwidth data like visual images to be transmitted on a single bus, addressing the bandwidth transmission challenge for industrial IoT, and laying the foundation for comprehensive adoption and widespread application.

The increasing volume of real-time data required by smart factories and Industry 4.0 has outgrown the capabilities of existing fieldbus technologies. Applying high-speed fieldbus technology to industrial settings has become an urgent necessity in today's technological landscape.

The primary reason for this is that the widely used fieldbus communication technologies in process industries originated in the 1990s, reflecting the technological standards of that era. Due to the nature of process industries, the development of industrial fieldbus technology has been slow. Outdated technologies continue to dominate the mainstream of industrial communication.

AUTBUS brings high-speed fieldbus technology to the industrial field.

A new high-speed industrial fieldbus called AUTBUS has emerged to attempt the integration of high-speed fieldbus technology into industrial settings.

AUTBUS is an industrial fieldbus that utilizes a two-wire non-bridged medium. It is capable of supporting multiple nodes, high bandwidth, real-time capabilities, and long-distance transmission. The bus data bandwidth reaches 100 Mbps, with a maximum transmission distance of 500 meters, a minimum cyclic time of 8 microseconds, and a maximum of 256 nodes.

AUTBUS is used for the real-time and non-real-time data transmission and applications in automation control industries, such as process control and discrete control. It is compatible with ISO/IEC/IEEE 802.3 Ethernet, IPv6, and other applications.

An AUTBUS bus system can support 254 effective nodes, with one acting as the control node and the rest as end-user nodes. The control node is responsible for managing, allocating, and reclaiming system resources, while providing real-time system configuration and communication bandwidth allocation to all nodes.

AUTBUS uses a bus-based network configuration, providing fixed bandwidth data services and variable bandwidth data services for burst data through either system preconfiguration or dynamic allocation. It reliably carries periodic sampled data, burst control, alarms, and ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-3 Ethernet format IPv4/IPv6 data based on time-triggered events, providing deterministic data transmission services with high-precision clock synchronization.

Modules such as intelligent decision modules, mobile perception modules, intelligent positioning modules, map architectures, and rapid navigation developed based on AUTBUS will enable edge computing, agility, and intelligence in motion control systems. It will play a crucial role in various industries, including smart grids, nuclear power, wind power, solar energy, petrochemicals, rail transportation, urban utility tunnels, mining, metallurgy, water management, unmanned vehicles, robotics, smart transportation, and shipping.

The successful release of the AUTBUS international standards signifies international recognition of China's industrial communication technology development and application achievements, with AUTBUS leading the way. This has significant implications for enhancing China's international influence in technology standards in the field of intelligent manufacturing and provides key technological support for the systematic advancement of intelligent manufacturing in China.

The provided text discusses the emergence of AUTBUS, a high-speed industrial fieldbus technology, and its importance in addressing the challenges of modern industrial communication. It also highlights its compatibility with emerging technologies such as IPv6 and its potential applications in various industries.

As for the specific details of AUTBUS, you can find a comprehensive introduction in the PDF document available at the following link: AUTBUS Detailed Introduction.

Please feel free to review the document for a more in-depth understanding of AUTBUS technology and its applications.

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